At Oregon Log Home Care, we specialize in the restoration, protection and maintenance, of your log home, cedar home, and other exterior wood finishes. Our areas of service include refinishing (beautification), staining, weatherization, pest prevention/remediation, rot restoration, and ongoing maintenance options. Click the sections below to learn more.
1) Finish Removal/Maintenance and Wood “Preparation”
We use a variety of cleaners, grinders, strippers, abrasives, and sanding to remove failed finish as needed.
2) Rot Repair/Remediation
Excavating, reinforcing, and remediating rot.
3) Pest Solutions
Pests including insects and wood decay can wreak havoc on your home. Our services excel in this category.
4) Weatherization and Chinking
Including log end-sealing, caulking, chinking, and energy sealing your home.
5) Staining & Finishing
“The Beautification” and long-term protection.
6) Maintenance Program
Simple preventative maintenance is key to long-term preservation.